300th Anniversary

1724 – 2024

A Great Line-up of Events

Speakers, Guest Preachers, a Town-wide concert on the Green with Food Trucks!  And more!


Strawberry Festival, Saturday, June 8
We will be selling the official 2024 Cheshire Christmas Tree Ornament. This pewter ornament depicts our Meetinghouse and our 300th anniversary. We will also be selling T-shirts and caps at a reduced price. We will also be offering guided tours of the sanctuary.

Tuesday, June 18
Juneteenth Recognition Event, 7 PM. Christine Pittsley will present a lecture on slavery in Cheshire, and in our church.



Sunday, September 15
Our annual Welcome Sunday, with traditional photo on front steps. We will also take a photo of us all standing in the perimeter of the Second Meetinghouse on the Green.

Saturday, September 21
Celebrate 300:  Party on the Green!
Saturday, 2- 8 PM All Cheshire is invited to our Green for Musical Bands, Food Trucks, and Laser Light Show. We invite the Wider Community to our Green for music,- Band of Brothers, the Cartells, food trucks, and a laser light show. (Rain date is Sunday, Sept 22)

Sunday Worship, September 22
Guest Preacher, the Rev. Jeff Braun, former Senior Minister and current Sr. Minister of Congregational Church of South Glastonbury, CT.


October and November

Thursday, October 17
Widely acclaimed historian Kevin Johnson of the CT State Library will present “Professor Jim.” Professor Jim was James William born a Captive in Yonkers, NY in 1788 who later escaped to Connecticut and became a servant to Episcopal Bishop Brownell in the early 1820’s. When Trinity College was created, he became a janitor there, a job he held until his death in 1878. His narrative, The Life of James Williams, Better Known as Professor Jim, For Half a Century Janitor of Trinity College, was published in 1873, and he is remembered to this day during graduation ceremonies at Trinity. Here’s a shorter synopsis –  Kevin’s portrayal of Professor Jim will span his lifetime, talking about the great changes he witnessed from the days of Slavery to Freedom, and how he was a part of that history.

Sunday Worship, October 20
Guest Preacher, the Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, former Associate Minister and current Conference Minister of Michigan.

Sunday, October 27
Time to be announced: A walking tour of Hillside Cemetery to visit the graves of our church founders.

Saturday, November 23
The Christmas Fair, featuring 2024 Cheshire Christmas ornament.


December Celebration Weekend

Friday, December 6
Concert for all ages featuring the Jazz band, “What It Is” with our own Roger Olander.

Saturday, December 7
An afternoon reception featuring artifacts, momentos of our history

Sunday, December 8
Worship with commemorative recognitions, and the premier of the hymn commissioned for this occasion, composed by Joe D’Eugenio.

How You Can Help

We are now forming Action Teams to help publicize, plan, and carry out these events:

  • Are you skilled in Social Media?
  • Do you have a knack for details?
  • How about big picture planning?
  • Do you like to plan parties?
  • Do you love history?

These are some of the ways YOU can be part of this once in a life-time celebration.  Sign up to help at the Welcome Desk or by using the buttons to the right. 

You can sign up for one or more events.

Community Expo
Community Expo

First Congregational Church History

More Information to Come…